Orthodontics FAQ

Orthodontics in Albuquerque

Frequently asked questions

  • Whats the best age to visit the orthodontist?
    The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child be seen by an Orthodontist at the age of seven. However, orthodontic treatment is not exclusive to children and teens. Any age is a good time to visit the orthodontist
  • Does it hurt to get you braces on?
    Not a bit! We don’t use any needles here and won’t have to numb you up. All we do is put gentle handles in your mouth that hold your cheeks out of the way and have you stay still while Dr. Padilla glues these little brackets on the teeth. Most people fall asleep when we put on the braces…please make sure not to snore too loud!!
  • Do braces hurt?
    Braces do not often hurt, though you may feel a small amount of discomfort for a couple of days as your teeth, gums, and cheeks, and mouth get used to your new braces.
  • Will my braces interfere with my school activities like sports or playing an instrument? 
    Playing an instrument or a contact sport may require some adjustment when you first get your braces, but wearing braces will not stop you from participating in any school activities. If you play a contact sport, it is recommended that you wear a mouthguard to protect your braces.
  • Can I still get braces with crowns, missing teeth, etc.?
    Absolutely. You can put braces on any kind of tooth you have. If you have missing teeth, the Orthodontist will speak to you and your dentist to determine how we will manage that space. Occasionally, he or she can use the braces to close the space where the teeth or missing. If not, though, the Orthodontist can make sure to put the teeth in an ideal position, so that your dentist can easily restore the space where teeth are missing with a bridge, implant, or a removable retainer.
  • If I have braces, do I still need dental checkups every six months?
    Yes! It’s always important to maintain regular visits with your dentist as they recommend. Although braces allow us to do a great job moving your teeth into the correct positions, they also provide plaque and bacteria with a nice playground.

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Frequently asked questions

  • Do I need to brush my teeth more often if I have braces?
    You should brush your teeth at least three times a day to keep your teeth, gums, and mouth healthy and clean. You should also floss daily to get between your braces where your brush isn’t able to reach.
  • How do braces work?
    Braces apply constant pressure to slowly correct the alignment of your teeth. As your teeth move into the proper place, your orthodontist will continue to adjust your tooth alignment until it is perfect.
  • How long do I need braces for?
    This differs from person to person. The short answer is that we will have them on as long as it takes for the Orthodontist to get you an amazing smile that will last a lifetime but will get through treatment quickly and efficiently so you don’t have to have them on for an excessive amount of time.
  • How long does it take to place braces? 
    For traditional metal braces, it takes one to two hours to install braces.
  • As an adult, can I get braces?
    Absolutely! You’re never too old to have a beautiful smile. In fact, more and more adults are getting orthodontic treatment. Dr. Padilla really takes pride in having many adult patients and wants to make their orthodontic experience is especially great. For this reason, we offer clear braces at no additional charge compared to regular metal braces.
  • How often do I need to schedule follow up appointments?
    Every four to eight weeks. Remember, skipping appointments can prolong you treatment

Albuquerque's Premier Orthodontic Practice. Here to serve our community.

Contact Info

8216 Louisiana Blvd NE

Albuquerque, NM 87113

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